
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stuff I like

I would just like to point out a couple of blogs I enjoy reading.

One is by Dave Morris, who has written the Heroquest gamebooks, the Fabled lands series, the Knightmare series, the Bloodsword series and other gamebooks as part of other series. He also created the Dragon Warriors RPG.

His blog is found at

It has lots of good information on how to create and run an RPG.

Also, there is another gamebook blog out there which has linked to mine (thanks for that!) called Great Gamebooks. It is found at It is written by Jasan Barnett.

It has some good articles on gamebook writing. Jasan has written some gamebooks as part of his Woodland Forest Chronicles series.

I'm listening to HP Lovecraft on audiobook at the moment. He is an author who I liked before I even knew about him, if you see what I mean. I enjoyed works he influenced such as the film Alien and the Fighting Fantasy book Beneath Nightmare Castle. Discovering that these works were all tied to his style was a nice discovery for me. I've been enjoying his works for free (since he died in 1937, all his works are public domain in Europe at least) on the following websites. - audiobooks by HP Lovecraft. - HP Lovecraft's works online. - A podcraft about HP Lovecraft's works.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Slloyd 14, Thanks for the plug!

    Just a quickie on the Great Gamebooks blog. It isn't actually my site, it is a "community site" where many different gamebook people post different articles/thoughts etc. about gamebooks. I happened to post some of my gamebook articles there (not all of them though). The blog site where my original articles live is

    Thanks again,

    Jasan Barnett
