
Saturday, February 16, 2013

April A to Z 2013

Ahoy there fellow gamebookers!

I'm thinking about the April A to Z challenge this far in advance, however, because although I have a lot of real life commitments, I still want to produce a post a day for a whole month as I find the process challenging and fun and it also allows me to see lots of great blogs and for lots of people to look at my blog and, by extension, the blogs and sites of the people I talk about (I hope).

So if you have a blog and the time to devote to doing the April A to Z, I would recommend that you do in order to find some great new blogs and pick up some followers to your own blog.

This is what the format for 2013 is going to be.  Hopefully, by the time you read this, I will have collected some more interviews from people in the gamebook world I missed the first time round and with people who wanted a repeat interview. 

However, if you are reading this, you haven't heard from me about an interview and you would like to feature in the April A to Z, please drop me a line at

I'm anicipating that I won't have enough interviews for all 26 days so in the days that I don't have an interview, I will be posting a mini gamebook.

So there you go - news and entertainment all rolled together in one monthly challenge along with your regular serving of Sunday installments. 

I'm looking forward to it already.  I hope you are.

Happy gamebooking!

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