
Monday, April 13, 2015

April A to Z - K is for Kickstarters with Jeffrey Dean, author of Westward Dystopia

Gamebook kickstarters do really rather well. Since the beginning of the challenge, the Trolltooth Wars graphic novel has achieved its target and there will be many more successful kickstarters in the future.

There's one gamebook kickstarter running at the moment - Westward Dystopia by Jeffrey Dean.

To try out the Android version, go here.

Jeffrey has built a fabulous post apocalyptic world brimming with insanity, mutants, paranoia and excellent twists and turns, illustrated wonderfully by Tony Hough. You are a mutant artifact hunter who is being hunted down by their guild for leaving it in fear of being hunted down by their guild for being a mutant. On your journey, you discover more about your powers, more about mutants and more about the ancient cities full of strange technology that a re remnants of "The Razing". The book ends with a twisty set up for book 2, due summer and book 3 is on the way.
You can buy the Android version here.
An obvious gamebook afficionado, Jeffrey has taken good features of many gamebook series and made them his own. He has a simple game system, a list of achievements, lampshading of gamebook tropes, premade characters (including a copletely terrible one for people who love a challenge) and many more.

So go and back Westward Dystopia now so that Jeffrey can make some lovely print copies of the book!

You can buy the Android version here.

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