
The gamebook noticeboard

Hi all!  This page is for people who are looking for gamebook writers who they want to write a gamebook.  It is also for gamebook writers who want to advertise their services as gamebook writers.

So if you want to advertise on here, email me at  with what you want or what you want to do and I will put it here.

Happy gamebooking!

People who want other gamebook related help

Demien Katz is always on the lookout for data entry volunteers for his amazing website,  Contact him at  

People who are looking for gamebook writers

The people at Playtinum who have made many many great games are looking to make gamebook apps.  They are looking for gamebook writers to pay to make gamebook apps.  If you are interested, you can contact Harshad Arole at

People offering to help with gamebooks in other ways

Karl D

Karl is a professional proofreader, with a little extra time on his hands, who has offered to waive the standard fees for anyone who is writing a gamebook (in English) and would like it proofread. For more information, or to take him up on the offer while he still has time, email him at

People who are willing to write gamebooks

Victor Cheng

Victor Cheng has written In the Footsteps of a Hero (you can get the doc version here or play online here), Kill the Beast and From the Shadows (in collaboration with others).

If you would like Victor to write a gamebook, email him at

1 comment:

  1. As a programmer who has an interest in creating a web based gamebook engine, I would love to get in contact with writers. I have fond memories of my childhood with gamebooks!
