Friday, September 11, 2015

Asuria Awakens!

Hello gamebookers! It is a great time to be a gamebook fan at the moment.

First of all, the Windhammer entrants have been announced and there are 16 books this year. They will be made available on September 17th and voting will go on until 14th November. The winners will be announced on November 21st.

Also, Tin Man Games have released Songs of the Mystics and my own book, Asuria Awakens for Android!!!!

I am so pumped that my gamebook has been released, and what is more, that Tin Man Games turned it into an awesome app with excellent art by Tony Hough.


  1. I'm really enjoying Asuria Awakens, and love how easy and engaging the app is. Enjoying in particular how your character is revealed/developed through game play.

  2. This one brought a lot new to the world of GA.

    For one, Skills, and even a story mode to pick your skills -- that was super cool. And they actually matter; not make-or-break either, but "in lieu of an item" or "can skip a combat" which is just a great balance.

    And the steampunk, cyberpunk, Alien, Phantoms elements. Oh my gosh was this great.

  3. A wonderful news, Stuart!
    I'm gonna play it as soon as I can!
