It's another Legend of the Wayfarer post today. To see the books, go to my Lulu page and for more treats, support me on Patreon.
I'm still not happy with item creation. In future, I plan on having adventures where your character can learn different professions and some of them are able to create items. Herbalists can make 6 different potions from herbs, alchemists can make some items from ore and blacksmiths can make some items from iron bars. It is for this reason that these items are present to obtain in the books.
However, I am unhappy with this for several reasons. First of all, herbs, ore and iron bars are available to buy in all villages at low prices, making going out of your way to find them a bit pointless. Also, iron bars weigh 1 so you won't get many. Also, if you go out of your way to find these things, you will end up with a huge list of potentially useless stuff on your equipment list - this is one thing I set out to avoid, which is why you never have to track your food or copper pennies.
Also, I don't feel happy with how to limit herbal and alchemical items, even if they weight 1. So I've thought of another way. I have created the magi career which allows you character to spend 3 will points to reroll 1 fate die.
I also had the idea of the weaponmaster who could spend will points to reroll combat dice. I think the heart of careers is being able to spend will points for a unique effect. This is not necessarily magical (although it is in the magi case). It is more a case of your character expending effort to use their skills for an effect. So I was thinking that a herbalist/healer could spend 3 will points to restore 3 vitality (I might set all will costs at 3 for simplicity) and the alchemist could spend 3 will points to deal 3 damage to an opponent using a ranged attack that ignores armour.

This way, you can still buy some healing items (but not make them) and they can weigh 0, since it is now impossible to replicate an infinite number for a tiny cost. Also, you no longer have to keep track of a load of raw materials and different alchemical and herbal items. What do you think?

Happy gamebooking!
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