Hello all! Welcome to the last day of the April A to Z. It's been a great time as always, and I've enjoyed looking at the blogs immensly. I want to leave you all with a present and that is some links to all the free gamebooks that you can enjoy online. There's plenty here to sink your teeth in and all for free! Enjoy! And I look forward to the April A to Z 2017.
Project Aon - a collection of all the books written by Joe Dever, author of the Lone Wolf series, Freeway Warrior, Combat Heroes and many other excellent gamebooks. And they are all free!
Fighting Fantasy amateur adventures - A collection of amateur adventures submitted to the Fighting Fantasy website.
Fighting Fantasy Project - more Fighting Fantasy books, most of which are playable online.
Chronicles of Arborell gamebooks - excellent gamebook series by Wayne Densley
Windhammer competition entries - speaking of Wayne Densely, here are the entries to his fabulous
gamebook competition.
Ashton Saylor's works - Ashton Saylor has made many of his gamebooks free as his gaming materials. Check them out.
I have also made all of my gamebooks Pay What You Want or free apart from Asuria Awakens, which is well worth the money.
A blog about writing gamebooks. My musings on how to write a gamebook and what makes a good gamebook. Create your story here!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
April A to Z - Y is for You are the Beer-O

1. For those of us who don’t
know, tell us about yourself.
James Aukett, and have been into Fighting Fantasy since my early teens.
remember buying The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain (which was my first FF
gamebook) at a second hand bookshop in Muswell Hill during the mid-1990s and
have always maintained an active interest in the series since then. I was
interviewed by FF author Jonathan Green for his book You Are The Hero which
chronicles the history of Fighting Fantasy, and also filmed a couple of the
talks at 2014’s Fighting Fantasy Fest.
on The History Of Fighting Fantasy: https://youtu.be/m_TeRorwV8o
on The Art Of Fighting Fantasy: https://youtu.be/VgJuTw0FCOQ
2. Where did the idea
about the first Fighting Fantasy meet-up come from?
idea for the first FF meet-up was initiated by Rob Learner, and Steven Green
created a Facebook event for this as a result. This meet-up took place at The
Black Friar pub in London – Rob and Steven were there, along with myself and
Luke Blaxill. Steven had a copy of You Are The Hero with him on the table and
this gave Rob the inspiration to nickname any future FF meet-ups as You Are The
Beer-O, a name which has stuck with these events ever since.
3. Where do you meet?
have had two You Are The Beer-O events so far – and both of these have taken
place in London pubs! The first was at The Black Friar (as previously
mentioned) and the second was at The Salutation in Hammersmith, the latter
being only a few minutes away from Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone’s original
Games Workshop retail premises. The third You Are The Beer-O will again be at
The Salutation, as it gives those who couldn’t make it last time another chance
to look at the first ever Games Workshop site, which nowadays is home to a
venue known as the Coco Club.
4. Do you plan anything
for the meet-ups?
isn’t any particular agenda, however as the title of You Are The Beer-O
suggests it generally involves a bit of drinking and of course plenty of
Fighting Fantasy discussion! Although come to think of it, maybe one day we
could have a playthrough of The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain board game or even
read one of the multiplayer books such as The Riddling Reaver or Clash Of The
5. Does anyone need to
bring anything to the meet-ups?
that we ask of people if they do come is to just bring along a nostalgic
fondness of Fighting Fantasy, no matter how big or small! Personally I also
tend to bring along a few of the Puffin green spine books and place them on the
table where we are sat, as I believe they would help any newcomers to find us
quite easily. The distinctive green spines of the Puffin Fighting Fantasy
gamebooks were a key element for me when locating and collecting them back in
the day, and I tend to think that this is a factor agreed and shared with my
fellow enthusiasts as well.
6. How often to do you
intend to do the meet-ups?
present we have a You Are The Beer-O every three months, although we would be
happy to do one-off specials to tag alongside events such as a future Fighting
Fantasy Fest (if this does occur though I’m always confident it will do given
2014’s event was such a success). Whilst the meet-ups usually happen in a
London pub, maybe one day we could take an adventure outside of the capital.
Steven has also suggested for a You Are The Beer-O to be held at a beer
festival instead of a conventional pub, so many a possibility for forthcoming
You Are The Beer-O events.
7. Have you got names
related to the Fighting Fantasy books prepared for all of them?
reckon we’ve got up to as far as the first ten, but I don’t want to give away
the names for the future ones just yet! You Are The Beer-O 2 was entitled City
Pub Of Chaos and whilst You Are The Beer-O 1 didn’t officially have a proper
name at the time of it taking place, I’ve since referred to it as The Black
Friar Of Firetop Mountain (in honour of the venue where it was held).
8. When and where is
the next You Are The Beer-O?
third You Are The Beer-O is entitled Forest Of Doom Bar and will happen on
Saturday 28th May from 2pm, again at The Salutation in Hammersmith –
please see the flyer on this page for details. If you’re a fan of Fighting
Fantasy then you are more than welcome to come along and join us, it would be
great to see you.
to the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1538233589814823/
Thursday, April 28, 2016
April A to Z - X is for eXtra stuff that I want to give away
Hello all! I'm just in the process of clearing stuff out and I would like to offer my extra gamebook/RPG stuff for free to a good home. I would be willing to post outside the UK if I could get some money towards P+P. I'm going to do this on a first come, first served basis, so if you want anything, please email me at sl1605@gmail.com.
My items are:
The Horror of High Ridge (CYOA 27)
DnD book for Diablo II: Diablerie
DnD 3.5 Song and Silence (guidebook for bards and rogues)
Deep Where the Liche Lord Lies (a TnT adventure by A.R. Holmes)
Raid on Rajallopor (a Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes adventure module)
A book of maps for Maelstrom Domesday
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Wilderness Survival Guide.
Happy gamebooking!
My items are:
DnD book for Diablo II: Diablerie
DnD 3.5 Song and Silence (guidebook for bards and rogues)
Raid on Rajallopor (a Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes adventure module)
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Wilderness Survival Guide.
Happy gamebooking!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
April A to Z - W is for (Frankenstein) Wars - an interview with Paul Gresty
Good day to you, lovely people! Today, we have the wonderful and talented Paul Gresty,
writer of the excellent gamebooks Arcana Agency , The Orpheus Ruse and MetaHuman Inc..
He has several great projects on the way, so I'll let him talk about them...
How is Fabled Lands: The SerpentKing's Domain going? Can you give us any previews on what to expect? Any items
that might be useful?
'Sup, Stu.
Expect snakes. And a few spiders. And a whole bunch of
trees. The book has suffered a couple of holdups, but for my part I'm chunking
along with it quite nicely, now.
Regarding previews… I do have some criticisms of the
first six Fabled Lands books, and I wanted to address those. Most notably, the
books don't scale well once your character is up at the higher levels. The
books are so open-ended that there are, of course, a bunch of exploits. It
isn't so hard to get up to the high ranks, or to max out your stats, or to make
a ton of money. Your character is probably carrying that amazing, undroppable
White Sword, too.
So I hope to throw in a few curveballs that will cause
even the higher-rank folks to stop and pause. Opponents that don't attack in a
conventional way, or that use your own strengths against you. You see a little
of that in the Dunpala demo adventure – I think that Kerep Tlotor can give you
a bloody nose even if you're used to breezing through combats without taking a
Regarding items, that's one possible way of
establishing a little variation between characters from playthrough to
playthrough. As it is, there isn't much difference between, say, a high-level
Troubadour and a high-level Mage and a high-level Warrior. You'll see a few magic
items that work differently for different professions. You'll see a little
item-building, where you'll be able to get one cool item or the other – but not
both. Your character might still be amazingly powerful by the time you're done
with FL: SKD – but your high-level character will look quite different to your
buddy's high-level character.
It's curious that you mention items. They're my big
headache just now. Interesting quest rewards, that you don't want to dump at
the nearest market. Interesting market lists. Who would have thought that could
be so complicated?
What is your favourite bit about
working on Fabled Lands? Are you including a few things that might be in future
Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson are gamebook grand
masters. They've created an amazing fantasy world, and a game system that is
both simple and yet that allows immense diversity for the player and for the
encounters. They've written six books that establish a very sparse style of
writing. And now I get to play around inside all that. They've already done
most of the heavy lifting, which grants me the freedom to be like a big kid in
a toyshop. That's my favourite aspect about working on the book.
And it's also the most intimidating aspect. Though
I've come to know the series relatively late, I'm very conscious of what it
means to the people who've been waiting 20 years for this. It's a lot of
pressure to produce a book that approaches the same level of quality that Dave
and Jamie have already established.
Sometimes I worry that Fabled Lands fans will hate me
for ruining their series. 'This is worse than Jar-Jar!' they shout, their cries
cutting through my nightmares. 'This is worse than Jar-Jar!'
In terms of future books… We can never be too certain
about the future of the series, so I don't want to go crazy with hooks to
as-yet-unwritten books. But yeah, I'm keeping books 8 to 12 firmly in mind.
I've been able to rummage through Dave and Jamie's
original notes for the rest of the series, and they've even shot a few ideas my
way quite recently for The Serpent King's Domain. All of that stuff goes in.
Fabled Lands is still their baby.
What is The Frankenstein Wars about?
What kind of gamebook are we to expect?
The Frankenstein Wars is an app from Cubus Games that
focuses on two brothers caught on opposing sides of a technological revolution
in France in the 1800s – that is, the emergence of Frankenstein's method of
creating life, and reanimating the dead. At various points in the story the
player personifies two brothers, Thomas and Anton Clerval, who are initially
caught on opposing sides of the conflict.
I'm not sure 'gamebook' is the appropriate term, in
fact. In some ways The Frankenstein Wars is poles apart from Fabled Lands – in
this, you personify pre-existing characters, and the focus is on how they grow
as they experience the events around them. Do their moral values evolve, or do
they cling to their initial perspectives? Do they change allegiance? All of
that is in the hands of the player – and so it's interactive fiction, absolutely,
but I'm not sure 'gamebook' is apt. It's a world apart from Fighting Fantasy,
or Choose Your Own Adventure.
And yet in some ways it's very like Fabled Lands.
We're going for short, stripped-down text. The Cubus guys are harsh in imposing
limits on the length of each section of text, and I think that's a big plus
point. The choices come thick and fast.
It's a hard one to write – perversely, because it
takes place in a historical, real-world setting. There's been a big learning
curve as I get up to speed on 19th-century French history. I can't
just write, 'A mahogany door occupies one wall' – if I do, I have to go look up
mahogany on Wikipedia, find out if it was widely used in France in the 1827,
and so forth. The horror and science-fiction elements are easy in comparison –
I can just make those up.
Maybe I'm being precious. Writing The Frankenstein
Wars, my big job is just to put the player in engaging, dramatic situations,
and then sling mud at them. Then my job is done; it's up to the player to
decide how to react.
Do you have any other projects in the
Maybe. I'm increasingly working as a freelancer, which
means I keep one beady eye on the sector. Then, when I spot an opportunity, I'm
ready to pounce, like a hungry lion striving to tear apart the flesh of a young
Yeah, that's what I'm like.
Lately I'm writing a lot of game code rather than
plain text, so I'm currently finding ways to get faster and better at that. I
have no background at all in programming; I'd imagined that would be a chore.
Turns out it's actually quite fun.
What advice would you want to give to
someone who wants to write a gamebook?
Story is paramount. Story, story, story.
Without a compelling story, you have nothing. Worry about the precise format
and game mechanics only once you have that.
What I really liked in your own Asuria Awakens,
Stuart, is the creepy 'Invaders of the Body Snatchers' vibe. That was the big
draw there, for me.
Plan before you get started, although that comes
under the 'story' recommendation above. You might be able to get away
with pantsing a gamebook – but odds are it'll be much more coherent if you're
working to a plan.
Don't go too retro, neither in content nor
format. The most interesting gamebooky stories I read are things that I could
never have thought of by myself.
Choice of Games are great for that. They have a huge
mix of genres and writing styles. They now provide the first 25% or so of each
game for free – you can really sift through everything on their site, or on
your particular app provider, to see which games grab your interest.
Write fast, particularly if you have
a lot going on. It just makes it easier to keep everything in your puny human
Don't be overambitious. I'm guilty of this one
again and again. With gamebooks, with interactive fiction in general, it's all
too easy to get yourself tied up in knots. You start out with grand ambitions
of innovative gameplay and story branches; you end up creating 100,000 words of
needless work for yourself.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
April A to Z - V is for Very nice of Michael J. Ward to pop by
Good day to you, lovely readers. Today we have Michael J. ward, writer of the Destiny Quest series, gamebooks that follow epic stories that span huge countries. The scope of the gamebooks is huge in every way. They are like Game of Thrones for gamebooks (Gamebook of Thrones?).
Today, he tells us about himself, the series and what else he's been up to.
For the first time readers, please tell us
about you and your writing.
I’m Michael J. Ward
and I had the mad idea of meshing my love of computer RPGs with the traditional
gamebook, and came up with DestinyQuest. Currently there are three titles in
the series – The Legion of Shadow, The Heart of Fire, and The Eye of Winter’s Fury. You can find
out more about the series and how to play at the official site: www.destiny-quest.com
Destiny Quest has been translated into German.
How is it doing? Any more languages for Destiny Quest?
The first book has now
been translated into French, Spanish and German – with the German translation
being the most recent and successful. My German publisher, Mantikore, who also
publish the translations of the Lone Wolf series, has now also taken on the
second book to translate. I’m not sure what the release date of that will be,
but likely to be end of this year or beginning of the next. I’ve been invited
to Germany in August to attend my publisher’s self-run convention, where I will
be meeting fans and signing books – so I’m sure that will be a lot of fun!
There's a very active DestinyQuest community.
Have they influenced any future plans for the series?
always hard to gauge the exact size of a fan community, but I am certainly
flattered by those passionate members who continue to engage with the forums or
initiate their own DQ projects, such as the recent YouTube series, PageFlippers
by Victory Condition Gaming. I wouldn’t say the community has necessarily
influenced any plans, but I am conscious that a Book Four is sorely needed and
I do feel peoples’ frustration that I can’t provide that at the present time.
After book 3, the series was discontinued, but
you have hinted that there still might be a book 4. Is there anything else you
can talk about now?
I do really want to do
a Book Four and, while I can’t really say too much at this time, there is a
company very interested in taking on Heart of Fire and Winter’s Fury to develop
as apps, and also continue the series with more adventures. Things were close
to getting signed at the end of last year, but sadly there were complications
with funding and clashes with other projects, so while I am assured there is
still a very positive chance it will all be happening, I don’t have a timeline
to share at the present time. If it does go ahead, then it would offer a
fantastic future for the DQ series.
Have you started planning a Book Four and can
you share any of your new ideas with us?
have a very rough plot sketched out and an idea of the maps that would make up
the two zones. Book Four has a desert theme, as I think many have guessed, and
would bring in a lot of characters that will be familiar to fans of the
previous books. I’ve also planned up the careers – and taken a different
approach to developing the abilities in the game. In Book Four there will be
much more focus on specific build-types, so each path (warrior, mage, rogue)
will have two different builds that readers can specialize in – so, choosing
abilities that really mesh well together and are focused around a single
give two examples, one of the warrior builds is built around the damage you
have taken and the damage inflicted to opponents. It plays very much as a
berserker, where you want to be potentially stacking abilities that trigger
when your health is at a certain point. On the other side of the coin is the
full on tank build, which uses your armour value to do interesting effects and
combos. Players can choose to mix and match from the warrior ability pool as
they gain items, or they can choose those abilities that focus them in one of
those two directions. I think it brings a lot more synergy to the abilities and
gives readers a more rewarding journey in upgrading and customizing their
characters. Like the warrior, the other paths (rogue and mage) offer builds that
are really very different in tone, using new mechanics to make each
Someone's being playing your books on Youtube.
How are they doing? Is it fun to watch such a detailed read through of one of
your books?
Victory Condition Gaming have been running a playthrough of the first book. It
was very flattering to have been approached for the series and it’s been great
fun watching Doug and his daughter, Sydney, battle their way through the hordes
of monsters. At times it has been nerve-wracking to watch, as I know the first
book is the toughest of the three, so I am always on the edge of my seat,
worried whether they will get mired in a tough combat that makes them rage quit
in anger (!), but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by their progress and their
choices – so that has been a huge relief to me! The community have also been incredibly
supportive in offering advice and feedback on the rules, so the videos have
provided a good learning tool for those who might be new to the series. You can
check out the series here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyswa3tbWAlQDc5DtouD6yeORVVvFiZsx
DestinyQuest was inspired by your love of
gaming. What games are you currently playing – both computer and table-top?
currently playing through Dark Souls 3 which, as fans of the series will know,
is a punishingly hard experience designed to make you fling your controller
across the room, but I really enjoy that challenge and exploring the stunningly
crafted world created by From Software. Incidentally, there is a board game
conversion currently on Kickstarter, which I urge people to check out and
support. It’s quite pricey, but you get a ton of great miniatures and extras.
of kickstarters, I recently backed Zombicide: Black Plague and Arcadia Quest:
Inferno. In the last few years I have really rediscovered my love of table-top
gaming. There are some really innovative ideas going on in the board game scene
right now, more so than I would say computer gaming, so I am always on the
look-out for cool new games to pick up. The only problem is storage space –
particularly if you go in on a kickstarter and end up with about a gadzillion
boxes of extras! Think I may need to build an extension!
Have you ever thought about designing a
DestinyQuest board game?
been playing around with a design for a DQ card game. This is going to sound
quite odd I know, but I actually dreamt the game (!). When I woke up I was
like, wow that was a really good idea – grabbed my notepad and got scribbling.
I’ve not really pursued it as much as I would like, but when I do get a rare
moment of inspiration, I’ll add to my pool of ideas. I think it could be
something quite cool, but not really sure how I would take it any further
Last year, you were also working on some
novels. How are they doing?
is the word I would use! Most of my time of late has been taken up with
freelance writing and editing, to pay the bills and keep my head above water,
so I really haven’t had much ‘head-space’ to get back into the writing. I do
have two books on the go at the moment (not sure if that is really the most
productive approach to getting a book finished!), and while I am making
progress, it is very slow. But then, I don’t feel too much pressure to get
something out – I’d rather take my time and make sure that what I end up with
is something I am proud of and would make a publisher say ‘yes!’.
What do you have planned for next year?
Gosh, I don’t even
have plans for the rest of this year so hard to think that far ahead! I guess
my future hope is that the Book Four deal comes to fruition because there is
nothing else I would rather be doing right now than more DestinyQuest. I would
love to return to that world and share more of the story. It feels annoyingly
unfinished, with story threads still dangling all over the place, so I don’t
think I could find any kind of peace or satisfaction until the series was
completed. I have faith, so we’ll see what happens!
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