Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Lone tigers

Good morrow to you all!  I hope that you all had a good Christmas and that Santa, the Riddling Reaver or Banedon brought you some good presents in their flying vehicles.

I enjoy the days between Christmas and New Year.  It is a quiet time where you can catch up and relax, look back and prepare for the coming of a new year.  A new start.  Maybe the start of a new blog.  A blog about gamebooks.  A blog where we hunt down the best amateur and obscure gamebooks, chew them up, savour their flavour and then tell the interweb what we thought of them.  So that is why Andrew Wright and myself have started the Lone Tiger gamebook review blog.

There is plenty written about the published official gamebooks, but thanks to the internet, there are now plenty of gamebook groups and forums where people have shared their own contributions.  They have showcased their talent and the Lone Tiger blog is just for them.

You can read the review system here and you can read the first review here.  Our first review is Beggars of Blacksand by Al Sander.

Anyone is free to submit reviews.  If you want to, give it a go and email lonetigergamebooks@gmail.com.

So give it a go!  Happy gamebooking!

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