Hello gamebookers! I've been tinkering around on the internet to find ways to bring you news more Gamebook Feed should automatically make a post linking to it. Hopefully this works!
easily. In doing so, I've discovered Buffer, Feedly and If This Then That. Between them, they have managed to get my feedly posts on my Twitter feed. However, that is not all. If this works properly, then whenever a blog about gamebooks makes a post, then the
If it does, then I won't need to post feeds around the blog. You will just get posts on the blog whenever someone else does it. If you want to see which sites and blogs I am using, have a look at this Google Drive folder. The list of websites in the Excel document is a list of websites that when they get updated, I will automatically tweet the updates on Twitter. The OPML file is my Feedly file. I have two categories - for Fightign Fantazine is the sites that I look at for Fightign Fantazine news and they are the ones I tweet about automatically. Gamebook Blogs is the category that will get mentioned on the Gamebook Feed.
Let's see what happens.
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