Friday, December 26, 2014

My top podcasts of 2014

Namaste, gamebookers! I have a confession to make. This post has about 5% gamebook material in it but since I am an information addict and a podcast junkie, I have decided to tell you which podcasts I think are so awesome that I listen to them at every opportunity (at 1.5 speed, so I can get through more of them). There is a bit of gamebook stuff here (which I've put in bold).

Side note: there's a song that I'm listening to on loop whilst writing this post. I won't say what it is, but it's awesome.

Pod Your Own Adventure: Here we have an awesome gamebook related podcast where Thom Rosell plays through a gamebook with a guest. Very amusing. If you enjoy it, you can support Thom on Patreon.

Tim Ferris Podcast: The author of the 4 Hour Work week (an a fledgling "4 hour" series including the 4 Hour Body and the 4 Hour chef) has a great podcast in how to maximise your productivity.

The Cracked Podcast: I am a big fan of the Cracked website and the podcast is basically the writers bringing you more Cracked goodness through your ears rather than your eyes. Only touch, taste and smell left now...

I Should Be Writing: An awesome writing podcast from science fiction writer Mur Laffery. Her podcasts involve interviews, her reflections on writing or answering listener feedback. You can support Mur on Patreon here.

The Art of Charm Podcast: Another great podcast on basically making you so awesome that you can attract anyone you want. Interviews include learning the benefits of minimalism to how to learn a language even if you're older than 7 and was terrible at it at school, both of which apply to me.

Freakonomics podcast: I loved the book which had several gems including how Superman beat the Klu Klux Klan or how fining parents for turning up late to pick up their children made more of them late. This podcast explores the bizarre but true from an economist's point of view.

Less Doing Podcast: Another podcast about productivity. This podcast is split into two parts. The first part involves a discussion on the latest hacks in health, productivity or technology and the second half is an interview with a guest on productivity.

Manager Tools and Career Tools:  Two podcasts which are very useful for managers and non-managers everywhere. It costs about £100 to get into the archive of all the podcasts (I think you get the past 50 for free), but it is well worth it. I first found these podcasts from the podcast awards.

The Overwhelmed Brain: A personal growth show which does not involve woo woo stuff. Instead it involves the host talking about his own issues and how what he learnt from them and how he worked through them. Something I can relate to.

I also have a list of podcasts that I want to spend more time on in 2015:

Mark Rosewater's Drive to Work podcast: I have dipped in and out of this podcast this year, but everything Mark Rosewater says is game design gold. And, being the head designer for Magic the Gathering, he knows a thing or two about game design and creativity. Which reminds me, I still want to write a blog post about how awesome he is. If you enjoy his podcast, just wait until you read his column.

Hardcore Histories: This is a long running podcast where Dan Carlin presents something historical as an awesome story. I can't wait to get my teeth into this one.

Write 2B Read: I have listened to a couple of podcasts of this writing podcast and I hope to get into more of them in 2015.

Honourable blog mention - The Tao of DnD: I have written about this excellent blog before and also recommended Alexis's books as they helped me with my DMing experiences this year, at Fighting Fantasy Fest and Dragonmeet this year. His blog is truly awesome.

I hope you find these podcasts (and blog) as useful and entertaining as I did. I wish you all an awesome new year!

1 comment:

  1. What an honor to be listed as a top podcast in this article, thank you so much for the mention Stuart! I appreciate you. :)
