Saturday, April 15, 2017

#AtoZChallenge M is for Meeple Merson

Hi all! Bonus post from me today, since Mark Rosewater and Magic the Gathering probably don't really need publicity from my blog.

There's a new gameing blog in town which talks about lots of games, but also about my little solo game, SCRAWL (which is available for PWYW at RPGNow)

It is called Meeple Merson and Thomas Grimshaw is doing a great job of reporting on his play and coming up with new ideas for the game.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out Stuart! It is much appreciated. :0).

    All being well the next part of One Man And His Dice should be going up today, as I have set today aside for writing up some more of last weeks session, and yesterday's gaming (as a part of my 10 x 10 Challenge).
