Are there any kinds of settings/genres that your illustrations would be particularly suited for?
I cover all aspects of the broader fantasy genres: Horror, SF and fantasy. I don't want to be a one-trick pony!!
What kind of things would you like an author to tell you when you are illustrating for them?
brief can be as simple or as thorough as the author/publisher feels is
necessary. I will read it all! Sometimes authors, being verbal rather
that visual processors, forget that an illustration is a single shot
from one viewpoint and not a movie clip!! I ask questions if I need to
to find out what aspects of an illo are the most vital.
Does the fact that gamebooks are being released digitally affect how you illustrate the books?
create and submit most of my work digitally these days which is safe
and convenient. Back in the days when I worked with ink and paint there
was always a chance of work getting lost or damaged in the mail. It's a
lot easier now to work even with companies on the other side of the
world (as I do). It's also a lot easier to revise and adapt illos when
plans get changed, too. The downside is I don't have physical artwork
originals to show off or put on display afterwards.
Is there a gamebook series or a particular author you would like to illustrate for?
authors out there reading this, (especially if you have a definate
best-seller in the pipeline) ....it's YOU I want to work with! Call me!
What kind of non-gamebook projects are you working on at the moment?
I have designed a few minis for tabletop wargames...hope to do a lot more of that this year.
What kind of conventions would people be able to find you at to buy your art?
hope at least to attend Salute and Dragonmeet. I'd go to more if I
could afford it!! I'll always have some old GW and FF originals with me
for sale.
You can also see Tony's latest work in Westward Dystopia - go ahead and back it today!
You can also see Tony's latest work in Westward Dystopia - go ahead and back it today!
Very very nice illustrations. Love the mix of realism and balls-out strangeness and vibrant colors!