Tell us about yourself
I’m a mid-forties, 80s child. I grew up in a developing world of Rubiks
cubes, electronic music, home computers and, of course, the surge of Fighting
When it comes to gamebooks, what do you like to read in particular?
I’ve read a number of gamebook genres over the years, but the draw for
me has always been the magical and fantasy style. The worlds created in the Fighting
Fantasy books were always my favourites, although the Lone Wolf series
came a close second. I did enjoy the Cretan Chronicles as
well, but probably only played through them a couple of times. With an almost
100% collection these days I should probably go back and have another read
through of those.
A good, engaging storyline and plenty to explore. Getting into the
characters, whether the first person or people/creatures you meet - I like to
feel a real ‘part’ of the gamebook and that my actions and decisions make a
real difference to the outcome.
What spoils a gamebook for you?
A gamebook that’s just too hard! There wasn’t that many, but a few of
the FF books, even using the ‘finger-in-the-page’ and skipping all the battles,
were just too difficult to complete. Having spent pocket money on grabbing the
latest release, not being able to finish a book could be very annoying as a
It was a wet and miserable afternoon and my girlfriend (who by some
massive stroke of fortune is a huge gamer - both console and board style) and
we had decided to give the two-player Clash of Princes a play
through. It had been years since I’d played it as a teenager and I wanted to
give it another crack. After sitting on the sofa playing through a couple of
times (she died quite quickly on both occasions) it was frustratingly difficult
to hold a piece of paper, pencil and dice and have somewhere to write and roll.
We’d already given up with real dice and had grabbed an app to do this for us
instead, but we were still stuck with trying to write on our adventure sheets
while sitting on a soft sofa - so I made the comment that an app to store all
the game details would be really handy. A week later and v1.0 of the Gamebook
Companion was pretty much ready to go. I’d never written an app before
so it was a huge learning curve, but the app is relatively simple and I’d done
plenty of programming when I was younger (I even produced a drawing
package for the ZX Spectrum for my Computing O’Level), so it didn’t take too long
to pick it up.
What do you think was the hardest gamebook to accommodate?
The Gamebook Companion has been specially designed to
work with as many books as possible. It has the standard stats (skill, stamina,
luck and magic) but you can define additional, bespoke stats for books that use
Do you have any more features or upgrades planned?
I’m regularly asked if there’s going to be an Android or Windows
version. Currently I have no plans as I don’t have the hardware for testing,
but I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question. As for extra features, I have
dallied with the idea of maybe including an auto-character feature and I’d like
to improve the way you currently Test You Luck and the Quick Battle button.
Only small changes though. I’d love to get some feedback on other things people
might like to see in the app.
What is the hardest thing about writing a gamebook? What is the
most exciting thing about writing a game book?
I’ve not written a proper, full game book although I have dabbled with
an online one , which can be found here:stoneham.me.uk/labyrinth
What advice would you offer someone who thinks they want to write their
own gamebook?
Take your time and plan EVERYTHING I reckon!
What future projects do you have that you can talk about?
I have a couple of new apps on the go. The first is Dice Dungeon,
a FF and D&D inspired dungeon crawler. I’ve already spent a couple of years
working on it and there’s still plenty more to do, but maybe one day I can get
it finished and released. The second is the Fighting Fantasy™
Collector’s Guide that’s being pulled together with the help of Jamie
(The Warlock) Fry from the Fighting Fantasy website. Although it will be an
unofficial release, it does have the approval from Ian (Livingstone) and Steve
(Jackson) to go ahead. Featuring a full list of collectible FF books and
memorabilia, users will be able to tick off everything they have from a
built-in checklist which will also provide approximate prices for each item.
What is your wish for gamebooks?
My real wish is that they don’t die out and continue to be written. I
can see a digital future, but it would be nice to get some new, printed
releases once again.
You an buy the Gamebook Companion for a mere £1.49 from iTunes and read Mark's digital gamebook here.
I too would love to be able to provide story for games, got so many awesome ideas