Friday, April 3, 2015

April A to Z - C is for Choice of Games

 Today we have Jason Stevan Hill from Choice of Games, an interactive fiction website that has exploded with wonderful stories over the last few years. He is going to tell you just how easy it is to create your own adventure...

> What is your role with Choice of Games?

I'm COO--or at least, that's what my card says. Mostly I'm an editor
and project manager.


> Choice of Games is releasing games regularly. Do your contributors come from any particular area?

Mostly the US and Canada, but we have authors also in the Philippines,
Singapore, the UK, France, Norway, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan...

> Which games would you recommend people to start on?

I always suggest Dragon. From there, it matters mostly what type of
story you like. If you're really into the game aspect, try Robots; if
you want the most beautiful prose, try Deathless; if you want some
compelling relationships, try the Heroes Rise series.

> You have also created Choice script - what advice would you give to someone who wants to use it?

I'm actually working on a Theory of ChoiceScript at the
vision of how the language is best used. Briefly, it has to do with
the relationship between primary and secondary variables, and the use
of testing choices to affect those.

> What advice would you offer to someone who wants to write their own game?

Join the conversation on our forums. There are scores of people
working on their games there, and you can get immediate feedback and
support from the community.

> What games are coming up in the future?

Choice of the Petal Throne, based on the world of Tékumel, our first
licensed IP, will be out in April. Hollywood Visionary by Aaron Reed
(of Blue Lacuna fame) will also be about in April. Then we have
Versus, the new series by Zachary Sergi, author the Heroes Rise
series, sometime during the summer. Choice of the Deathless: City's
Thirst will be a second ChoiceScript outing by Max Gladstone, also
sometime in the summer. And more and more and more...we have so many
great games lined up for this year.

For a great gamebook kickstarter, check out Westward Dystopia which is well on it way to being funded.


  1. This is super interesting, Stuart! Love the breezy yet, highly informative structure to your post. On my way to backtrack to "B" and "A"!

  2. Wow, intriguing! I'll definitely check those out. Thank you!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary
